Friday, July 16, 2010

On Writing....

So for the past three days I have been eyes, ears and nose deep inside Stephen Kings semi-autobiographical work of genius,On Writing! And if you even remotely enjoy Mr. King OR if you aspire to do anything to leave your mark in the world of writing, it would do you good to buy/borrow/rent this book. I haven't finished it just yet but feel immensely liberated and informed thus far.
My favorite thing about this book (other than the blunt hilarity) is how straight forward and to the point it is, AND the fact that Stephen King thinks it's just dandy to live and write in a plot-less world. THANK JESUS! Why don't they tell you that in creative writing 101?! I have forever been on a plot quest that I didn't want and now know, didn't need! I'm hoping (for myself) that my commitment issues will stay buried forever and the beautiful characters currently residing in my imaginative mind will SOON come to life on paper! And that my Stephenie Meyer/J.K. Rowling penis envy issues will resolve themselves upon publication of my brilliant novel (maybe one about vampires and werewolves who fly around on brooms trying to catch a girl) I will call it Twi-warts!! (I hope you, for the sake of my talent, realized immediately that was a joke) :p


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