Friday, April 8, 2011

Bringing home Mr. Crispy

Are you an animal lover? ME TOO! Are you a parent, or at least have young children in you life? ME TOO! Do you love and celebrate Easter by giving treats to the people you enjoy?! ME TOO! Do you find the item in this picture disturbing on so many levels (look closely).....yea...ME TOO!

This adoreable (eatable) pet bunny rabbit, comes complete with his/her own carrying case! I think the sweet logo "My Little Bunny" really tops it off!
While I have eaten MANY Easter bunnies in my day, not one of them came with a cardboard habitat to successfully scare the bajesus out of my five year old, bunny loving spirit!
I'm not a vegitarian, I enjoy beef and chicken on a regular basis! But I dont want my chicken thighs to come in a cardboard coop,nor my burgers in a paper pasture cutout!
I think this particular treat (while I'm sure is very tasty) could be very disturbing to the minds of little innocent kiddos! Especially the ones who asked for a pet bunny, and got Mr. Crispy here instead!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reinvent thyself young grasshopper!

For the past month or so I've been struggling to wrangle some control on certain aspects of my life. My crafting bi-polar for starters! I'm pulling myself in a thousand different directions with a million ideas, that are all possibly good but not great. Maybe if I spent time polishing and perfecting just one or two I would come out with something great!
My second issue is wanting to be surround with positive things, thoughts, words, visuals, sounds and people. But since change starts from within, and I currently lack the willpower to turn off the television and put down the Girl Scout cookies, I more often than not find myself (internally because I have children) cursing at the contestants of Survivor for not playing the best game they can, and feeling sick from ingesting too many Thin Mints!
My dungeon colored blog page and 5 followers also tells me I'm doing something wrong. I made a commitment to myself when I started this to stick with it and be (at the very least) ok at it. But again I've let myself down.
This is not a wallow in self pity post (however much it looks that way) this is a must change now post!
One thing I have realized this past month is, I can't change certain aspects of my life, I need to change the whole person. I'm not going to receive positive affirmations and purity in my life if I give none out (obviously) so here goes....reinvention day!