Tuesday, October 19, 2010

With every handshake, give the truth

There was an episode of The Outer Limits (many moons ago) that played out with a character, a young man,who was being punished for a minor offence. (Now I tried to google this episode but came up with nothing, so I'll give my best recollection) and for his punishment he bore a mark on his forehead, this mark told everyone he met that he was being punished and everyone he encountered was to pretend he was invisible. The people in this town were not to assist this man if he were in distress, they were not to speak to him or even make eye contact with him or they would be banished into their own lonely existence as well. Much like wearing a Scarlett letter I suppose.
I think about this episode, of what seemed like at the time, insignificant television programming, often in my life.
I wonder, what if with every person I met I wore my truth? Would they still respect me? Want to be my friend? and Would I change my feelings/opinions of others?
If we were strangers who met tomorrow and I gave you a greeting followed by;
"I curse too much. I pray to God and then question his existence. I am inpatient of others for doing things I know I've done myself."
Would you accept me and my truth?
I try to challenge myself often to offer my truth and catch myself when I'm being dishonest with myself or others. I'm one of those people who will ponder what answer you want me to give when asked a question. I suppose you could say I have a keen ability to read people and oftentimes know what they want from me and others. I've been more right than wrong when it comes to reading people and understanding their personality type.
Sometimes there are things I don't want to know about others that I am faced with anyway. But maybe there's nothing wrong with having to deal with the whole package.
No one really wants to deal with other peoples problems, and yes it would be uncomfortable to meet someone in the grocery lineup who says "Hello, I'm currently cooking the books at my place of work, I've been married four times and I hate puppies." But sometimes this would save us a lot of trouble and grief in relationships. No surprises. No skeletons in the closet. Wouldn't you love for the political party you were considering voting for to be wearing a print out of his/her truth. But maybe not so much the physician who is about to perform knee surgery whose truth is "I may have had too much to drink last night, but I got this."
I guess, my friends and passers-by, there is a reason why we are in charge of how much or how little we give.
Personally I'm going to try to give a little bit more with hopes that the soul I'm greeting is giving me the same.
Oh, and at the end of the episode, the man's punishment had ended and he was walking to a coffee shop when greeted by a woman who bore the mark of banishment and was weeping, desperate for someone to speak to her. She approached him in tears and begged him to acknowledge her. He looked her square in the eyes and said "I can see you."

1 comment:

  1. "I'm one of those people who will ponder what answer you want me to give when asked a question. I suppose you could say I have a keen ability to read people and oftentimes know what they want from me and others. I've been more right than wrong when it comes to reading people and understanding their personality type."

    We are more alike than I knew! I'm the same way. Sometimes, being able to read people well is a good thing. Other times it truly is a curse.
