Thursday, October 28, 2010

4175.3 miles from my father's front door

Some people realize they've reached adulthood when the desire to go to the mall on a Saturday is replaced with dread for walking through those teenage infested,over priced shops. Or maybe its when when they look in their grocery cart and where Twinkies,Doritos and some sort of enamel eroding citrus drink would normally be found is, bran cereal, fresh fruit and something called a kohlrabi.
For me adulthood recognition comes with the desire to be where my roots were formed. I have a longing and deep desire to be on the little rock of Newfoundland. This chunk of land is,what I consider to be,paradise!
And being 4175.3 miles away from my fathers front door,really does make it feel like an unreachable promise land.
For those of you passers by who are unfamiliar with this little land I call home, I will share with you this... google will not give you the smell of salt water and the freshest sea air. Bing can't show you the kindest hearts and generosity of any people you could ever hope to know. Food network won't have nan's recipe for homemade bread. And map quest will not highlight this area as the happiest place on earth (but it most certainly is)
I'm sure I will always have nomadic flights in my heart but the wings of my want to go home are much bigger.
You know that feeling you get when you return home for the holidays? The flutter in your heart, and that childish excitement to see aunts and uncles, and get hugs from grandparents, or mom and dad?
Well, for me, Newfoundland is the home that puts those feelings in my soul. This entire province and all of it's parts is my family. It's tranquil scenery is the old photo album. The sea salty air is comparable to Christmas cookies baking in the oven. The "caw" of the sea gulls and the waves washing up on shore, is the radio playing old tunes in the background. And Wharf,Nipper,Scoff and "ah,by" are the names of some old friends.
One day I plan to return to my little rock. And even though I am 4175.3 miles from my father's front door, Newfoundland and all it's wonderful parts is permanently in my heart.

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