My life thus far has been a crazy tangled, matted mess that you couldn't comb through with a rake if you had hulk arms! I recognize that this has been (almost) entirely my own self-inflicted pain and punishment, and the parts that weren't... I may or may not have handled them with grace. But I've decided to no longer look to the past. I think I may be *gasp* growing up!!! Even though I'm pretty sure we spend our entire lives trying to grow up, and be a real part of the big business, I do believe I'm at a place in my life where I can take myself seriously and hopefully be taken seriously!
I feel as though my toes are curled around the edge of my life's diving board (one that I've been clinging too, white knuckled for YEARS, hearing my mother saying "But you might Drown!") and I'm about to dive in!
I'm days away from submitting my short story to a magazine that annually publishes a compilation of horror shorts! While I'm not putting all my eggs in this basket, I do anticipate some acknowledgement (even if they say "We liked it, but...) I will be proud of myself for finally taking the first step in the direction I've been hoping to grasp at my entire life.
This day and decision has come to me at the fork of a long road paved with love and loss, pain and suffering, fighting and failing, working and winning. And now thanks to the love that surrounds me outweighing the bad, I have been able to recognize what's been there all along...I have nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain! So here I go, I've got on my very flattering hot pink flamingo two piece, I've kicked off the flip flops and I'm diving in!
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