So last night our family movie rental of choice was The Crazies!! Have you seen this delightful film yet? Well without giving too much away let me just tell you *SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT* It's about a government plane crashing out in the swamps of Black-tooth ville (that's not what they refer to the town as in the movie I can't remember the name but can recall the faces) and this plane contained a biological weapon (in liquid form) designed to render a small population dumb and defenseless (that's layman's terms) HOWEVER this plane was en rout to some other no name land when said plane crashes in this swamp, leaking this toxin into the town's water supply, not rendering the town's people dumb and defenseless, but crazed and murderous! *END SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT*
Now, this is a government plane for shit's sake you mean to tell me you don't have that extremely dangerous cargo on RADAR?! and you cant send the local sheriff a text or a tweet maybe saying...oh I don't know...DON'T DRINK THE WATER!?
What I'm getting at here passersby and loyal 3 followers (holla!) is why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we sit in front of the movie screen and spend 94 minutes of life we'll never get back, sweating, gnashing our teeth, biting our nails off up to the knuckles and clenching our jaw into the need for a dentist visit, why?! Have we become so jaded and numb that we need to see people get hacked to bits and others run for their lives (knowing damn well they ain't getting anywhere) to feel something?! I would love to know why you endure these gory and grotesque films because after I've sat through many of them I STILL haven't a clue why I do it. Thanks for your participation...I'm going to watch Finding Nemo now...
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