Monday, January 10, 2011

Pant-less Public

I absolutley LOVE the fun, light-heartedness of FLASHMOB! and yesterday's Pant-less Subway ride in New York tickles me pink!!
If you're unaware of what Flashmob is, allow me to enlighten you...
Flashmob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse.
The first flashmob was organized by a man named Bill Wasik (Senior editor of Harper's Magazine) in 2003. While his attempt number one was unsuccessful (due to a tip off to managers of the department store) he put in place a second plan for a group of people to attempt to purchase a "Love rug" in unison at a Macy's, and it was a SUCCESS! Our nation was then blessed with the creation of Flashmob!
Since then there have been thousands of flashmob acts assembled. Public pillow fights, dancing, even a flashmob marriage! While I've never been lucky enough to witness a flashmob, it swells my heart and brings grin to my lips to hear about one!
And I'm filled with sheer delight that 3,500 people took to the FREEZING cold streets of New York (in boxers, briefs,skivvies,grannies and other unmentionables!) to create nothing but joy and maybe a little chaos (for fun)for the world!

*photo from*

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pandemic of Ignorance

Maybe it's just me, but shouldn't we feel a bit silly for allowing our nations leaders,television broadcasters,clothing designers,magazine editors and gizmo inventors to turn us into mouth-breathing,credit card swiping,goons?!
It made me chuckle and then immediately feel sad when I viewed on BINGS main page the current searches for today in this exact order: People's Choice Awards. Elizabeth Edwards. Jamie Pressly. and lastly, Sweden Birds.
The fact that the entire cast of Twilight will be in the same place at the same time totally trumps the fact that dozens of birds are dropping right out of the sky, having died from internal bleeding,mid-flight with NO explanation! Really?! Really?!
I will admit that I like to keep things in life light and enjoyable for the sake of my sanity I don't choose to go around dwelling on "Impending Doom" but for Christ's sake are we not just a little curious as to why creatures (birds,fish,honeybees)are popping up dead by the hundreds?! Or why in a state where two years ago you woke up Christmas morning and had four feet of snow to shovel from the driveway, but this year you wore flip flops to the in-laws gift exchange?! No?
If you're thinking, less bird shit on the car and Hooray! no need to dig out the snow blower than, happy ignorance to you my friend! But as for me, I'm a tad bit curious and would like to arm myself with knowledge of what the hell is happening to my planet!
If you to are curious I suggest you do some reading and research, keep an open mind and invest in a good can opener!
For the rest of you....just hide behind that ipod and designer bag and you'll be just fine!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and Happy New Boots!

It's a new year! and while I always resolve to make no resolutions (stemming from my fear of committing to anything more than a week into the future) this year its time for something a little different!
I have high hopes for 2011. I want this year to be a year of positive thinking and good decision making.
I intend to learn new skills, write more, read more, spend lots of quality time with my family, get another tattoo and buy some (mostly ridiculous and unnecessary) really cute boots!
I'll let you know how it goes! I wish you all the very best for the New Year. I hope we can make positive, fruitful changes to our planet this year.