So I think we're all comfortable with and feel it safe to say the reason we so dearly love MySpace, desire the friend total to climb on Facebook, and can't miss one ever-loving tweet on Twitter, is because....WE ARE ALL SO FRIGGIN NOSEY!!
No....not you...? Rrrright ok.
But despite how far we have traveled in the world of technology, and despite the fact that we can sit in our underpants, covered in cheeto dust and toothpaste on our zits, getting an eye full of cousin Maggie's vacation to Europe and "that guy" she took with her...not you again?! Mmm hmm....anyway. Despite
all that,we still are forced to communicate in a semi-civilized manor, face to face with our human (and animal) co-existers.
Now, I'm not talking about dear aunt Gracie, who always smells like cookies and talks in a whisper, no she's bearable. I'm talking about the woman in front of me at the grocery store just recently wearing a white tank top and black bra underneath, the woman who thinks because she "accidentally" placed her aluminum foil over that little plastic barrier that clearly states MY SHIT, YOUR SHIT, and now that she's paid and escaped capture, and the cashier has swiftly swiped it over the scanner now that its my turn,that I should just go ahead and pay for the foil and GIVE IT TO HER??!! well I'm sorry LADY but the four boxes of wine, three bags of pork rinds and carton of cigarettes in your cart tells me you can AFFORD your aluminum foil! It's times like these where you would just tweet your face off at that miserable &*%!#, but in polite society that's just not right. (or at least for most non "diagnosed" capable people)
But I've taken you this far to tell you the most memorable "Wish I had a backspace button" story of my life, The DO YOU EAT BEAVER story.
I am a certified Medical Assistant and up until just recently worked in a medical office, where drug reps and pill pushers swoop in and out on a daily basis hoping the good doctors will prescribe their brand of boner and or blood pressure lowering medication. One fine day, a very nice young man who was stumbling and stuttering his way through his first day on the job, tried to strike up polite conversation with me. He shyly explained to me it was his first day and he was very nervous, he told me he just recently moved from Seattle to obtain this job and then proceeded to ask me where I was from, "Canada" I exclaimed proudly, to which the young man replied, "Oh Canada, wow...Do you eat beaver?!"
Now, my life has been blessed with and over-populated by MEN, witty, vulgar men, so my face didn't turn twelve shades of red like this poor young man's nor did I begin to perspire buckets of sweat, I just allowed him time to acclimate to the situation and room to realize he just asked a young (STRANGER) female, if she ATE BEAVER! Control. ALT. Delete?? Not this time my friend.